1. The BullionScope purpose.

Our purpose is two-fold. Firstly, to ensure that Gold Traders and Miners in the alluvial gold industry in Papua New Guinea have access to the highest gold price possible wherever they are located, and secondly to make sure they make a profit every time they trade in alluvial gold.

2. Live gold price on your mobile phone.

We ensure all Gold Traders and Alluvial Miners in PNG have access to the highest gold price possible by delivering our live gold price daily to any computer or mobile phone that is connected to the internet.

Now for the first time in PNG you do not have to travel to Port Moresby, Lae or one of the major towns in PNG in order to get the highest gold price. All you need is a mobile phone with internet access. Our proprietary online system is connected live to the international gold market to deliver to your mobile phone the live gold price in PNG Kina per gram. So no more guessing. We have taken the mystery out of the equation for you.

3. Lock in your gold price and profit.

Now if you are a Gold Trader you can make a profit every time you trade in gold. Just use your mobile phone to lock in your gold price with us to prevent losses from any drop in gold prices before you deliver the gold. Again, it does not matter wherever you are in PNG. So long as you have a mobile phone with internet connection you can lock in your price and deliver the gold to us later. Now, every time you buy gold for re-selling, you can sleep easy at night knowing you have your guaranteed gold price and your profit is already in your wallet. All you need to do is just deliver the gold.

To get started download our App, BullionScope Trader, from the Google Play Store or App Store on your mobile phone. If you are chained to your computer, don’t panic, just visit our website at www.bullionscope.com to view and lock in your gold price. We have not forgotten you.

4. SMS gold price alerts.

We know that Miners do not have the time to sit around and watch the gold price on their mobile phone. I mean it’s not like this is 80 minutes of a rugby league game. So we have built in this feature where you can tell the system to send you an SMS reminder when the gold price reaches or drops below a price that you have pre-set. So if you have gold that you have spent a lot of effort mining, but waiting for the right price to sell, then you will never miss out again because you did not look at your mobile phone. The same feature is also available to Gold Traders.

5. Delivery of gold and getting payment.

Now the juicy part of the whole story. Where do you deliver the gold and get your locked in gold price? It’s simple really. Just deliver it to our office near your location or the office you prefer doing business with. The gold will be melted and assayed at the office you selected. Then you will be paid using the gold price that you locked in using your mobile phone.

We will then pay you in cash, cheque or direct bank deposit. The type of payment method depends on your preference.

6. BullionScope Gold Price Guarantee.

The Gold Price Guarantee is proof of BullionScope’s commitment to fair trading and the benefits to customers of forward selling.

It is our stamp of company integrity.